Can Alcohol Cause Tinnitus?

Tinnitus and alcohol are linked somehow. This is because alcohol can cause tinnitus noises. However, alcohol-related tinnitus does not lead to chronic tinnitus. Constant ringing in ears as well as audible hallucinations may occur during alcohol withdrawals usually happening about 6 to 12 hours after the last drink. The good news is, tinnitus brought by … Read more

Tinnitus and alcohol are linked somehow. This is because alcohol can cause tinnitus noises. However, alcohol-related tinnitus does not lead to chronic tinnitus. Constant ringing in ears as well as audible hallucinations may occur during alcohol withdrawals usually happening about 6 to 12 hours after the last drink. The good news is, tinnitus brought by alcohol withdrawal does not require any treatment because it will just fade away in a short time.

Alcohol does not treat tinnitus

If you have ringing earsĀ  and you consider drinking alcohol as a temporary tinnitus relief, then you think again. Although you experience relief from hearing buzzing in ear noise when taking alcoholic beverage, it may just worsen the next day. In the long run, alcohol will just worsen your tinnitus situation. yes, it can be a temporary escape from the effects of tinnitus yet alcohol must not be a treatment option.

Alcohol and caffeine trigger hypertension

Tinnitus and alcohol are also related since alcohol together with caffeine and stress increases blood pressure. High blood pressure is considered a blood vessel disorder which in not so many cases can also cause tinnitus, specifically, pulsatile tinnitus. Tinnitus seems to be more noticeable when alcohol content in bloodstream is high which translates to high blood pressure.

There are other causes of tinnitus such as:

  • Age specifically in people starting to lose their hearing when they reach 60 years old
  • Environment where you are constantly exposed to loud music or noise
  • Irritation in the ear drum caused by blocked earwax and dirt
  • Hereditary ear abnormalities such as otosclerosis or stiffening of the bones in the middle ear
  • Other factors that cause tinnitus or buzzing in ear can be diseases like Meniere’s disease, TMJ disorder, head or neck injuries as well as tumors in the head.

Understand the causes and treatment for tinnitus. Watch this video.


Ask your doctor for treatment

Treating tinnitus, whether it’s pulsatile tinnitus or non-pulsatile tinnitus depends on the recommendations of your doctor based from the results of clinical examinations.

Treatment is strictly based on the exact underlying cause. Tinnitus that occurs during alcohol withdrawal may not need treatment but symptoms of acute tinnitus may require treatment to lessen the disturbing effects.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the best supported treatment for tinnitus. You can find more information on this type of treatment through the Internet.

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